Saturday 4 May 2013


I’ve been such a sloppy yeah. I’ll post regularly still but I’ve been so busy with school, doing crazy stuffs, reading, etc. Life’s hard-ish. So enough about this, and I’ll start blogging about my best Monday so far….
I can’t even explain how much fun I had.ASDFGHJKL!!For the 1st day of our college week our school quadrangle was full of different booths were you can play and win in their exciting games.Though you have to pay an entrance for only Php 40.00 in each booth .
The booths started to open at around 10 am.Honestly, some of my blockmates arrived too early (7 am I think).So we are quoted as “early birds” because we are the first group of students having this chance to try all those games in every booth.And If you’re one of the so called “lucky one’s”to win in those games you can get prizes like cute keychains,ballpens,t-shirts, etc.It was fun, yet very tiresome.

With Ate Ganda,she gave me this -oh-so-cute-ice cream pin (on my id lace) and ask to take a photo with me..She’s so pretty right!♥ Don’t mind my face. -.-

Le Woody of Toy Story and Le Snow White. With Kimmy. <3

Photobooth madness with my girls, Nilline,Kim and Chi. ♥ 

Tried out Matrix polaroid booth and it turned out well.

My life isn’t perfect. I’m happy and I’m sad and I’m lonely and I’m having fun. I guess that’s what it’s like to be a teenager after all.Lately, 
-M. xx

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