The Girl Behind The Blog

Hi I'm a twentysomething year old Filipina who have lived in different countries just because I have a soul of a vagabond. I've lived in Louisville KY for sometime and moved to Park City UT for a year. Those were two of the best decisions I've ever made. Sadly, nothing is permanent, only change. And now, I'm a graduate student living alone in the city of Vancouver at Canada. 

Honestly, as much as it sounds grand, I'm not really sure what I want in life. I've said that for years now and not that I'm proud about it. It's just that acknowledging it, I think, helps me address the problem and face it, you know what I mean?

Okay here's the thing, I am not really comfortable with telling people about my thoughts and/or how I feel. Aside from my journal this is the place where I could really vent out my worries, feelings, and daily rants.
So that's it. I don't know what to say anymore. I'm Morela. Morel if you'd prefer. I'm sad, I have issues, but I will be a good friend to you. Nice to meet you.

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