Saturday 4 May 2013


Hi!It’s our third day in our workshop and I think I’m doing well.Before I’ve been itching to learn on how to play a guitar and now I’m striving to play a guitar with a hillsong.Ok,so enough for the guitar thingy,So I just want to share that every friday we have our bible study and as for today Kuya Olan gave us a brief disscussion about love.When I think about love the first thing that comes to my mind is the crush or boyfriend/girlfriend thingy,but eventually,I was wrong.It’s the relationship between you and God and between you and other people.God commend his own love to us by dying himself on the cross,saved us from dying eternally on hell,but that he loved us and sent his Son as an antoning sacrifice for our sins.
Kuya Olan gave as a verse to memorize Corinthians1 chapter 10 verse 31, and in my own understanding “All we have to do is learn to rise to every occasion, give our best and do it for the Glory of God”
I realize now that I’m doing this workshop is to serve God with all my heart not just to learn or whatever.Thank you Lord.To God be the Glory.
“Lord, thank you for the godly example of friends and family that I have. Help me to pass along that legacy to those who come behind me by my example of faith in Jesus Christ daily.”

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 Until then,
M xx

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