Tuesday 30 November 2021

Saturday 24 July 2021

Dear You,

Since I’ve heard from you again, I haven’t gotten any decent sleep and I’ve started dreaming about you again. My heart suddenly became anxious as I tried to read between the lines of your empty words. Yes, you still have this effect on me. And I am ashamed to admit it and to even put it into words. 

I will be able to face you oneday without feeling any pain, without even longing. I will stand infront of you, having the guts to smile and you’re not the reason anymore. I love you, I still do, and it’ll be the last time you’ll hear this from me.

I love you but I’m setting myself free now, I don’t want to have hopes in you anymore. I have loved you more than myself, I’ve been unfair to myself these past years. We’ll see each other one day, I’ll be completely healed, mark my words. But can you please do me a favor? When we happen to cross the same path please pretend that you don’t know me. Pretend that I’m just another stranger. I’ll be happy one day because I’ve finally realized that being with or without you, I still deserve all the happiness and that happiness is just within me.

Take care of yourself and this is the last time I’ll write something about you. 


Whatever it is you’re going through I know you’ll be able to get through it! Things will get better! Laban lang! Gaya nga ng lagi kong sinasabi sayo, chase your dreams, even without me. Hope to see you walking around your own photo exhibit one day! 


Please remember that we are not a failed relationship, we learned new things while we’re  together, we’ve pushed and support each other, and the best thing was we made each other happy during our times together. And now give your time to yourself and your dreams.

In time every pain and sadness will be healed, we’ll be able to love again! Don’t forget that you’ll always be my bumbum! Charot lang 



Monday 14 June 2021

 Hi 3rdy,

Today is just another day where everything reminds me of you. I've been asking myself too, why am I still not tired of this - tired of waiting for you to come back, tired for waiting for us to happen, again. I am also waiting for myself to get tired on writing you letters.

Why am I the only one left here? Why am I being persistent about you?

Two weeks ago, I went to a bookstore, I bought a book, it's Turtles all the way down, and I'm currently reading it. I know how much you love this book, It's one of your book recommendations sakin. Do you still remember telling me that you wanted to name our kid Aza(protagonist of TATWD), it is really a nice name, knowing you na sobrang worst when it comes to naming department. Pero yung Berlin and Tokyo would make a good names too.

I stay up all night wanting to call you but the pain you put me through paralyzes me. I should've seen the red flags waving right in front of me. I was so in love, that they were perceived as green and gold. I didn't eat or had a decent sleep for five days when after we broke up. It isn't that I wasn't hungry or sleepy, but the thought of you (which never, and still hasn't left my head) simply stole my appetite and mind. Iniwasan ko na nga ang pagkakape pero nag palpitate din ako.

When we met we were both in a dark place, but when I saw you, an incredible light flooded in. From the moment you entered my life, my entire world shifted. All of a sudden someone saw me like I always dreamed someone would. No one had ever seen me the way you did. No one had ever made me feel the way you did.

You told me I was your home
You told me I was your happy pill
You told me you want to do things you dream about with me
You told me you  had never loved anyone this much before
You told me we would have a beautiful life together (with beautiful dogs Ellie - Theo)
You told me that you will wait for me
You told me that I'm stuck with you, wala ng kawala
You told me you're not looking for anyone
You told me we can make this work
You told me na hindi ka magsasawa, hindi ka magbabago
You told me you never wanted to be without me
You told me you would never stop loving me
You told me you would love me forever

Thousands of love texts, calls, more "i love you's" than I had ever heard or ever said and all the plans. Plans to travel (Tagaytay, Batanes or Taiwan pa yan) to do roadtrip or foodtrip (lilibre mo pa ako ng tapsi at pares) to adopt a fur baby ( si Theo at Ellie payag na ako sa dalawa na lang) plans to reach for our dreams and build a life together. Plans to be yours. Plans to be yours forever. You promised me a life; a world.  I thought I was on the path of beauty and had finally found my destiny. I believed I had discovered where I was meant to exist. I believed I had finally found my home.

I gave you the freedom to make sure that I was what you wanted. I never thought that would backfire. I never thought you'd pick anyone that wasn't me. You had told me you would love me forever. You had told me I saved your life.You had told me you wanted to be with me forever. We had talk how amazing our life would be

Yet there you were, not picking me. You broke my heart and smashed it into a thousand pieces. 

Do you know that I shattered my world? Do you know that every shard of that shattered world sliced me open? Even so, it didn't matter because I thought I had you. I thought I had discovered something that so few are fortunate to experience in their lifetime. I thought I had found true love. I felt so blessed to be experiencing something so profound. I believed myself to be finally complete and whole.

I was wrong.

I wasn't your happily ever after. I was just a happily for now. I didn't belong on your world; however, my vision was distorted. I was so blind in love that I didn't realize your reality until after you tore my heart open. You realized that your life didn't need me and that you didn't need me.

I want to let you go and stop wishing for a future that will never arrive. I want to let go of the memories of you that haunt every space in my mind. I want to move on with my eyes solely focused on peace and acceptance.

And despite everything, I will always love you. You will always be my bestfriend.



Sunday 13 June 2021

Hi it's been a month since we broke up. And I actually think you moved on. I wish things didn't end the way it did. It's past midnight. I thought of you again. I couldn't sleep and like the other nights. Tonight the pain was unbearable and pakiramdam ko bigla na lang mag bu-burst yung heart ko. I knew I had to write down my feelings.

I was so close to calling you, gusto kita kamustahin and tell you I'm having trouble sleeping. I know you'd respond right away, katulad ng dati. But I got to stop. Hindi lang ngayon. ilang beses na. Ilang beses ko na pinigilan yung sarili ko na tawagan or imessage ka. I know I just have to stop this madness, lalo ko lang sinasaktan sarili ko. Dahil meron pa din thought, deep inside me, na baka pag tinawagan kita maayos pa tayo.

Sobrang sakit pala talaga na isang araw gigising ka hindi na masaya sayo yung taong mahal mo at iiwan ka na lang nya. Yung mag isa ka na lang lumalaban para sa laban ninyong dalawa. Ang sakit, ang sakit sakit pa din. Gusto na kita kalimutan pero sobrang hirap hindi ko alam kung saan ako mag sisimula.

Monday 7 June 2021

 It’s 3am and I can’t sleep. I am just so tired.

I am tired of being strong, for once, I want someone to be strong for me. I am tired of listening to others, for once, I want to be listened to. I am tired of understanding everything, for once, I want to be understood. I am tired of crying alone in the dark, for once, I want someone to wipe the tears away from my eyes. I am tired of convincing myself that everything’s gonna be okay, for once, I want someone to assure me that he will be there even if it’s not okay. I am tired of being alone, for once, I want to be with someone who would never leave me. I am tired of being this sad, for once, I want to be truly happy.

Monday 31 May 2021

 This is just one of those moments in my life when I don’t really want to move. I want to isolate myself from everything and everyone. I want to lock myself inside my room and I wouldn’t care even when they knock on my door for hundreds of times just because I don’t feel like going out. I am tired, really really tired about everything and all I wanna do right now is sleep for a very long time until all my worries and problems are gone. But then that is not the rright thing to do. I know that this is one of the hardest times that I could ever face but there is still a reason why I am still strong enough to smile and think of the possible solutions. I know that God has given me enough reasons to keep on going. I know that this is just another storm and I will soon get over with it. I know that I am tired right now, but sooner rather than later, everything’s gonna be grand and I wouldn’t have to worry about everything that I am worrying right now.

Sunday 23 May 2021

 Dear You,

You came into my life in such a rush. I never saw you coming, seriously. All I know is one day, I can’t stop thinking about you that even when I close my eyes, all I could see are the words that you give me for my own comfort. You brought happiness into my life. You are the light into my dark world. You are the stars in my night sky. You gave me the smile that I didn’t have to fake. You made me feel like after all, maybe, jsut maybe, I am still good enough for someone and I hope that someone is you. I have never let someone in to my life for a very long time. It is like I isolated myself from everyone with the constant fear of pain and heartache. I built a very high wall around my heart so no one would be close enough to break it. But you, you brought down the wall so effortlessly, I have no idea how you did it. The next thing I know is I want you to stay and I want to be there for you no matter how hard things could be.

You gave me tears of happiness and joy in just a short period of time. That is another thing why you are so different from those people that I let so close enough to hurt me. It is okay even when you hurt me. It is okay because you matter. As time went by, I came to understand you in a different way than other people see you. You are not perfect yet your imperfections are the things that made me want to be closer to you. I want to be the one who stays in your life, I want to be the one who gives you happiness whenever you are depressed. But that won’t happen anyway. I know there are times that you would like to be alone and I respect that. I just want you to know that I will always be here to wait for you whenever you are ready to be with me. I will wait for you until you come back to me.

I don’t know what is my role into your life. I don’t know if I should know that. All I know is that this feeling that I am having towards you is too strong to ignore. I wouldn’t let this feeling go. I don’t want to let you go. I want to be the one who doesn’t give up on you. Right now, I miss you so much. I don’t know what to do but then I will wait for you. I will just be here for you. I hope that sooner, you’ll find your way back to me. I just miss you so much. I just hope you’ll read this letter...

PS: Happy birthday!

Love always,


Sunday 16 May 2021

Some nights, I cry because I miss you. I close my eyes and struggle to breathe. How can I inhale without wanting to take you in? Other nights, it isn't as hard as this. I think of you and distract myself then I move on. I read our past conversations, laugh at how good we were then sleep. But nights, like this is hard to ignore. Everything inside me is yearning for something that I will never have. How can you satiate this kind of longing? 

All I can think about right now is that I want you I want to straighten your collars to make sure you're good for the day and kiss you on your cheeks to make the other girls jealous. I want to hold your hand just to assure you that you are not as empty as you seem and I am not as hollow as I assume to be. I want to touch you and show you the world is not as lonely and prove to you that you belong somewhere. That you belong to me. I want you to know that even if it doesn't eventually get better, I will not go away. That even if you're surrounded with everything temporary, I will remain constant. I want to love you in a way that you deserve to experience it. Just pure kind of love that isn't contaminated with doubt and guilt and pain. I want to unwrite your scars and undo your misery.

 And now I keep on thinking  about how cruel the world can be. How can you lve someone with the greatest intensity and you can not have the chance to show it, to express it for real. How can you meet the one then realizing that they can not be with you. How you can cry at night because you miss someone and how it is all that you can do about it. There is something permanent the way I love you. So maybe I will miss you forever. Spend all these kind of nights crying forever. I believe that my heart might always belong to you even if we might never meet at all.