I know this is going to be really cliché, but I will say that I'm blessed to have the best dad ever!I may not be able to be with you and see you everyday but I'm thankful to have such a wonderful man in my life.He's been there listening when I just needed to vent.He was the one who taught me what I need to know.He never fails to make good advices.He used to tell me fairytale stories when I'm just a kid.He has been my number one fan and I can say that I am his.
Thank you for everything you've done for me Papa.Thank you for all your countless sacrifices and efforts to give us the best life.I don't care if one day I'll find my prince charming,you'll always be my king and I will always be your princess.I may not be the perfect daughter in the world but I'm sure enough that I got the best Dad in the universe!I love you to the moon and back!
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
-M xx
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