Saturday 20 May 2023

 Then I realized that love is not the problem here. I love you. You love me. I felt it and I hope you felt it too. It was glorious. We were happy. We almost made it. You told me we can make it but somewhere, something went wrong and now everything just went away. And now, I could see the pieces of my broken heart cluttered around me and I can't help but feel so sorry about everything that we could have been. I told myself that I will stop writing about you but I can never deny the fact that a part of me will always wait for you and I just can't let you go. Not like that. I am trying, you see. I am trying to be happy without you. I am trying to be so much better than what I think I am but then everything is not the same without you. I hope, somehow, you will still come back.

But of course everything is uncertain. I just hope that whatever your choice is, you would end up happy or if not completely happy, a little less lonely than how you are right now. I hope you won't regret anything. Just remember that whatever happens, I will always love you and that will never forget you.

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