Saturday, 9 January 2016

Because I am not like the other girls

All my life I have lived with the fact that I can never be the pretty girl.I am not drop dead gorgeous and completely not a head turner.My hair doesn't stay in place and it is tangled most of the time.I can't start a day without wearing my glasses and used to have braces for 7 years af.I don't always wear make up but when I do, I see a different girl staring back at me in the mirror.I just don't think I am attractive at all.Being pretty is indeed a bonus given to the winner of gentic lottery.

There are days that I am haunted by my own flaws, like catching myself googling solutions to prevent pimples.Because there are girls with perfeclty smooth skin and bodies to die for.Those girls whose selfies may look perfect for magazine cover and theres me looking dork.It sucks, really.

Ever since in high school I used to be the invisible girl,someone you wil not bother to talk to.I am not the type of girl who allures everyone I've met and I dont get other people notice me.

Atleast, because of this,I can appreciate more those people who took extra steps just to get close with me and to see whatever beauty it is that is hide inside me.

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